1. Steve posts a MormonsMadeSimple video to Facebook.
2. His friend Andy sees the video on his wall and expresses interest.
3. A missionary opportunity is created!
What are MormonsMadeSimple videos?
MormonsMadeSimple videos have been carefully designed to address and correct the most common misconceptions about the LDS Church--as identified in an extensive poll conducted by Lawrence Research in 2008.
The light tone of the videos, along the fun and fast-paced graphics, make them perfect for online sharing. When used in combination with Facebook, or other online social networks, they provide an easy,
non-confrontational way to spark gospel conversations.
How long does the challenge last?
The short answer is: for as many weeks as we have videos. Currently, there are 5 MormonsMadeSimple videos. However, we're constantly releasing new videos. Likely, your challenge will be
from 5-8 weeks in length.
Why do I need to join The Challenge? Can't I just post the videos myself?
The order and intervals of the video content presented in the Facebook
Missionary Challenge, as well as the supplemental
materials provided in the weekly emails, have all
been carefully designed to help you achieve maximum
effectiveness in your missionary efforts. Joining
the challenge will also give structure to your missionary efforts
and provide some accountability.
Will my contact information by used for commercial purposes?
Absolutely not. Your email address will only be used for correspondence related to the Facebook Missionary Challenge, and will generally not exceed one email per week throughout the duration of the challenge.
At any time you may contact us and your contact information will be removed from our records.
I don't use Facebook. Can I do the challenge for MySpace or Linked In?
Sure. When you receive your weekly email, at the very bottom with be a link to post the video to several other popular social networks. We've also constructed this grid for your convenience.
Each video page on this site has a 'Share' toolbar. Here's how to use it: